Recognizing contributions to the pharmacy professions

February 4, 2025
ACP is calling for nominations for Honorary Life Membership and Honorary Membership.

Every year, ACP endeavours to celebrate individuals who demonstrate distinguished service to the practices of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. This has become an important tradition, creating the opportunity to collectively celebrate the innovators, the altruists, and the leaders who have advanced the pharmacy professions, and inspiring others to contribute in their own ways.

Who comes to mind when you think of someone who has made a meaningful contribution to the pharmacy professions? Nominate them for Honorary Life Membership or Honorary Membership to celebrate their dedication!

If the individual is a pharmacist or pharmacy technician, you can nominate them for Honorary Life Membership. Honorary Life Membership is presented to individuals who are or have been registered as pharmacists or pharmacy technicians and have, in the opinion of Council, rendered distinguished service to the practice of pharmacy.

In 2024, pharmacist and former ACP Council president, Rick Hackman, received an Honorary Life Membership to recognize his contributions as a member of Council and as a lifelong advocate. When asked about how receiving this award made him feel, Rick said, “receiving recognition like this made me feel grateful and humbled. It’s nice to be recognized, especially by your peers.”

If the person who you’re thinking of is not a pharmacist or pharmacy technician, but has still contributed in a significant way to the practice of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, you are encouraged to nominate that individual for Honorary Membership.

In 2024, former public member of ACP Council, Patricia Matusko, was recognized with an Honorary Membership. Patricia said, when reflecting on her experience, “I am humbled that ACP has recognized my contribution—what pleases me most is that we did it together in the interest and protection of Albertans.”

Bill Shores, ACP’s legal counsel for 30 years, was also recognized with an Honorary Membership in 2024. Bill said of his experience, “it was an unbelievable honour. I am truly thankful for the college granting me this honour. I was very moved.”

So often, dedication and hard work go underappreciated. Let’s work together to recognize and celebrate excellence in pharmacy practice! ACP encourages you to submit a nomination for the highest honours the college can bestow: Honorary Life Membership or Honorary Membership.

The deadline to submit nominations is Sunday, March 30, 2025. Visit the ACP website to view the terms of reference and start the nomination process.