As of April 1, 2019, the Health Professions Act requires ACP to publish the information below about registrants who are suspended or cancelled based, in whole or in part, on sexual abuse of a patient or sexual misconduct toward a patient as defined by ACP’s standards.
Boundary violations investigated prior to April 1, 2019, are not listed here. If no information is disclosed below, there are no registrants currently suspended or cancelled due to sexual abuse of a patient or sexual misconduct toward a patient.
Additional information about a registrant’s practice status may be available on the public register or by contacting ACP at 780-990-0321, toll free at 1-877-227-3838, or
Registrant | Registration number | Category | Status | Reason | Effective date | Expiry date |
None at this time | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Please review our disclaimer regarding information returned by the public register.
View information about registrants suspended or cancelled in relation to unprofessional conduct based, in whole or in part, on sexual abuse or sexual misconduct.
The information in this register is updated once every 24 hours. For more information, please review our disclaimer.