ACP’s new standards of practice are now in effect. Visit the standards page to learn more.
Hearing tribunal decisions under Part 4 of the Health Professions Act (“HPA”) are posted on this site for 10 years. This list is updated regularly. In accordance with the HPA and College bylaws, to ensure transparency and accountability to the public, the Registrar holds the authority to publish and distribute information about any discipline hearing not held in private. Therefore, not all decisions are published.
Additional information about a registrant’s practice status may be located on the public register (accessible on the home page of via the “Help me find” widget in the top right corner) or by contacting ACP at 780-990-0321, toll free 1-877-227-3838 or to be directed to the appropriate resource.
All information provided is in compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act, 2003. ACP makes every effort to ensure that all of the information posted on the website is accurate. However, ACP does not represent, warrant or guarantee that it is and accepts no liabilities or obligation relating thereto.
View information about registrants suspended or cancelled in relation to unprofessional conduct based, in whole or in part, on sexual abuse or sexual misconduct.
The information in this register is updated once every 24 hours. For more information, please review our disclaimer.