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CCP audit

Every year, a percentage of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, as determined by Council, will be selected to have their professional portfolios audited.

Professional portfolios are audited to assess whether clinical pharmacist and pharmacy technicians have met the program’s objectives, achieved the established standards, and adequately demonstrated that they have implemented newly-acquired or reinforced knowledge and/or skills into their practice.

Following the audit of professional portfolios, the competence committee, a committee of peers, may prescribe further learning activities (e.g., webinar) and competence assessments (e.g., practice visit) to clinical pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who do not meet the established standards of the CCP. The learning activities are prescribed to support the betterment of their professional practice and the competence assessments are prescribed to assess for practice and competence deficiencies.

Please refer to the respective CCP manual for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians for further details.