Veterinary Antimicrobial Sales Reporting

February 4, 2025
Health Canada requires pharmacies that compound a product for veterinary use with antimicrobial ingredients on List A to complete annual reporting.

The Veterinary Antimicrobial Sales Reporting (VASR) system is now open for pharmacy teams compounding antimicrobials on List A for veterinary use, to submit their 2024 sales data. This marks the seventh year of data collection since the regulations came into force in 2017.  

Pharmacy teams that sell any product for animal use must report these sales to Health Canada if those products contain antimicrobial ingredients from List A that are sourced as (meaning any of the following inputs are in the final compounded product) any of the following:

  • an API set out on List A (such as the raw ingredient),  
  • a human drug in dosage form (e.g., products with a drug identification number – DIN) containing an API set out on List A, or  
  • a veterinary drug in dosage form (e.g., products with a DIN) containing an API set out on List A. 


  • Sales data for the year 2024 must be reported by March 31, 2025
  • You need to be registered in the VASR system to report your data. If you have questions or would like to receive an instructional guide of how to report in the VASR system, contact  
  • If your contact information has changed for reporting, you must notify