When pharmacists and pharmacy technicians renew their registration in 2025, they will complete the Continuing Competence Program (CCP) as it currently exists for the 2024-25 continuing education (CE) cycle. This includes recording a minimum of 15 continuing education units (CEUs) into one or more learning records, implementing at least one CEU of learning into practice and documenting this in an implementation record, and completing the prescribed learning.
However, for the 2025-26 CCP cycle (formerly referred to as continuing education or CE cycle), the CCP will evolve. Council has approved changes to the ACP’s Standards of Practice for Continuing Competence, which provide the structure for the CCP.
The CCP has been updated after a comprehensive program evaluation which included a survey of regulated members about their experiences with the CCP. The results of the survey, coupled with an extensive literature review and environmental scan, informed the changes to the program. The changes to the CCP aim to make the program more user friendly, and shift the focus from demonstrating implementation of any learning, to learning activities that are most important to the practice of the individual regulated member. The evolved CCP demonstrates a more holistic appreciation to the diverse roles and development needs of pharmacy professionals as described in the professionalism framework.
Starting with the next CCP cycle, 2025-26 for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, the way regulated members document their learning will change. While a minimum of 15 CEUs each equal to one hour of learning will still be required each CCP cycle, regulated members will be asked to reflect on their learning activities through the lens of the professionalism framework. In doing so, regulated members will consider the six tenets of professionalism outlined in the framework:
- An engaged pharmacy professional is
- person-centred,
- a collaborator,
- a leader, and
- an active learner.
- An engaged pharmacy professional
- uses good judgement, and
- has a strong set of values.
More information will be provided closer to when the 2025-26 CCP cycle opens for each profession in 2025.
Remember, these changes do not apply to the current 2024-25 CE cycle. All current CCP requirements must be achieved for pharmacists to renew their registration in the spring of 2025 and for pharmacy technicians in the fall of 2025.