Wondering if a pharmacist has additional prescribing authorization?

December 1, 2009

Check the ACP website!

To verify prescriber status quickly and accurately:

  1. Log onto the ACP website (pharmacists.ab.ca).
  2. Click the Prescriber Lists tab.
  3. Log in using your registrant number and password.
  4. Click the Pharmacists menu item on the left of the screen.

You can now search by the pharmacist’s first name, last name, and/or registration number.

NOTE: Pharmacists with additional prescribing authorization may prescribe any drugs except narcotics and controlled substances. There are no restrictions on the quantity of drug they can prescribe.

You can take advantage of a brand new feature on the ACP website! You can now reset your password online.

To reset your password online:

  1. Go to the ACP website at www.pharmacists.ab.ca  
  2. Click on Registration profile login (first option in the blue menu bar on the left of the homepage). This will take you to the login screen. 
  3. Click on the Click here if you forgot your password link found below the login screen. 
  4. Follow the prompts to reset your password and you will be able to access your online renewal.

Originally published in the December 1, 2009, issue of The Link