2017/18 Influenza season information update

November 8, 2017

To help pharmacy professionals through what is expected to be a busier-than-usual influenza immunization season, ACP has updated its seasonal influenza information webpage.

On the recently updated page, you’ll find links to Alberta Health Services’ Influenza Immunization Program, Alberta Health’s Influenza Immunization Policy, ACP’s resource guide, and RxA’s online influenza vaccination course.

The page also answers some frequently asked questions about such topics as where a pharmacist can administer influenza vaccine, AHS reporting requirements, and what to do in case of an adverse event.

And, there’s important information on administering FLUMIST®, which is not part of the publicly funded influenza immunization program this season.

For all this and more, please visit the ACP seasonal influenza information webpage.

​Originally published in the November 8, 2017, issue of The Link