In the January 6, 2021, edition of The Link we announced the new five-year strategic plan approved by Council, including five goals supported by 14 objectives. Together, these goals describe a vision for success in 2025 in which
- The legislative framework has been updated to be relevant and effective in a constantly changing health environment, where new technologies and other innovations invite new opportunities for patients and changing practices by regulated members.
- ACP’s core programs have been enhanced to provide better assurance that pharmacy professionals are prepared for success in Alberta’s health system, creating more consistent patient experiences and expectations.
- ACP and pharmacy professionals have become more proficient in collecting, analyzing, and using data to make more informed decisions that contribute to the health and wellbeing of Albertans.
Since then, an implementation plan has been developed, identifying key initiatives to bring the five goals of the strategic plan to reality over the five-year period. The following seven initiatives have been prioritized for 2022:
Data Intelligence
- Launch of the new Merlin information system – success depends on having a contemporary information system to support processes, and to use data to make informed decisions. ACP’s new system, will enable and support registrants and licensees self-manage their registration and licensing requirements, support more effective business processes within ACP’s core programs, and better enable ACP to analyze and use data to make more informed decisions.
Meeting Practice Expectations
- Completion and evaluation of the initial offering of the CCPP bridging program – ACP has partnered with the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Alberta to develop and deliver the Certificate to Canadian Pharmacy Practice Program (CCPP). Internationally-educated pharmacy graduates will need to complete the program to prepare them for success in Alberta’s health system.
- Definition of core competencies and professional behaviors for licensees – The performance of pharmacy licensees has been identified as a critical success factor to safe and effective practices. Core competencies and defined professional behaviors for licensees will be developed to further enhance the Licensee Education Program.
- Implementation of initial elements of a Practice Improvement Program – ACP’s Continuing Competence Program is being enhanced to include a practice improvement program for registrants who are not meeting the practice expectations of ACP. Improved and more consistent pharmacy practices will better meet the needs, and shape the expectations, of Albertans.
- Continuing Competence Program – rules for the Continuing Competence Program will be amended to reflect changes in the program including introduction of the practice improvement program.
Legal Framework
- Understanding limitations of pharmacy practice – The role statements for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are substantively enabling. These will be used as a foundation to accommodate innovative practices, while better enabling registrants to understand practice limitations.
- Review of final consultation and preparation of a final draft of new standards for Council – ACP’s Standards of Practice for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians and Standards for the Operation of Licensed Pharmacies will be rewritten and modernized. They will be increasingly patient centered with more emphasis on assessment, the outputs of registrants, and the experiences of patients.