NOTE: This article was updated on September 29, 2021, to remove links to outdated guidance that is no longer relevant. Also, the recommendations on spacing have changed, as 14 day spacing is now required between the COVID-19 vaccine and LIVE vaccines only, meaning that influenza and COVID-19 vaccines can be administered at the same time. A review of the patient’s immunization record is required prior to the administration of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.
As Alberta Health’s rollout of the COVID-19 Vaccination Program continues, ACP has updated two of our guidance documents associated with administering injections to patients:
- Administering injections to patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, and
- Administering influenza immunizations to patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Information has been added to clarify recommended spacing between administering a COVID-19 vaccine and another vaccine. This is updated information that replaces what was distributed to pharmacy professionals on Friday, March 12, 2021.
In the absence of evidence, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) has published the following recommendations:
- COVID-19 vaccines should not be given simultaneously with any other vaccines.
- It is prudent to wait for a period of at least 28 days between the administration of the complete two-dose schedule of COVID-19 vaccine and the administration of another vaccine (except in the case where another vaccine is required for post-exposure prophylaxis).
- It is prudent to wait for a period of at least 14 days after the administration of another vaccine before administering a COVID-19 vaccine.
- If another vaccine is recommended/required between dose one and dose two of a COVID-19 vaccine – it may be administered 28 days after the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine as long as there is at least 14 days before the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine is scheduled.
More information from Alberta Health on vaccine spacing considerations can be found on the COVID-19 updates for pharmacy professionals page of the ACP website.