Alberta’s Long-COVID Inter-Professional Outpatient Program (IPOP) initiative has ended

August 20, 2024
Alberta Health Services logo
Alberta Health Services has created resources for health professionals who provide care for long-COVID patients.

The Alberta Health Services (AHS) Long-COVID Inter-Professional Outpatient Program (IPOP) initiative has ended, as the temporary funding for the program has concluded.

Referrals will not be accepted effective immediately from all IPOP clinics (South Clinics at Rockyview General Hospital, Peter Lougheed Centre, and Community Accessible Rehabilitation; and North Clinic at the Kaye Edmonton Clinic).

Patients undergoing active treatment with the clinic will receive a transition plan from their care team. Patients currently on the IPOP clinic waitlist will be notified of the closure before the end of August and provided with a list of self-care resources and encouraged to contact their primary care provider or Health Link for assistance with managing their specific long-COVID symptoms.

Dedicated AHS Resources for health professionals are available and include care pathways and toolkits, and a long-COVID Functional Screening Assessment Tool and Symptom Checklist to help providers determine what rehabilitation supports may be required for their patients moving forward.

The following resources will be provided to patients:

  • Health Link (dial 8-1-1 available 24/7),
  • Rehabilitation Advice Line: 1-833-379-0563 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday),

AHS thanks you for your understanding and cooperation during this transition period.
