Are you a good candidate for ACP Council?

February 7, 2018

ACP is holding Council elections this spring for five open council positions, and we’re seeking nominations for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to help fulfill the college’s mandate of promoting and protecting the health and well-being of Albertans by governing the profession of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.

It’s an opportunity to serve Albertans by making a direct impact and help shaping the future of pharmacy in our province.

“It really offers you a way to give back – whether that’s in the time you devote to council and its activities, or in the sharing of experiences from your own practice,” says Council President Brad Couldwell. “It definitely gives you a better understanding of the profession itself, and how self-regulation is different than advocacy. When you are regulated well, the profession grows.”

Because Council is often faced with multiple complex and diverse issues, it requires candidates who are able to consider differing points of view and see the larger picture.

“We do want people who are willing to be courageous when it seems difficult; those who can be disciplined to stay focused on our moral owners, which are Albertans; those who are interested in representing patients and cultivating the professions so that the health of Albertans is improved.”

That being said, being a member of Council also a great opportunity to build leadership skills, give back to the profession, as well as connect and learn from peers, other regulators, and other professions.

“And that’s what I’ve really taken away,” said Brad, “When you’re giving back to the profession, it gives back to you.”

Does this sound like you or someone you know? Consider nomination! To begin, please review the list of eligible registrants and collaborate with other pharmacists or pharmacy technicians to nominate visionary leaders interested in advancing the mandate of ACP.

Full nomination details can be found at

Nominations are due by February 28, 2018, at 4:30 p.m.