Assessors needed for Additional Prescribing Authorization applications

October 30, 2012

ACP is finalizing the new additional prescribing authorization application form, and we’re recruiting more pharmacists to serve as assessors for the applications.

Work involved:

  • Attend two-day training workshop in Edmonton in early- to mid-February, and
  • Assess applications at your home via a secure online process (expected volume of 2-3 per month)


We are looking for pharmacists who are willing to employ the principles of valid, fair, and reliable assessments as taught in the workshop and who can apply the grading procedure fairly and objectively. Assessors must:

  • be in good standing on the clinical register,
  • have a minimum of one year of experience in direct patient care within the past three years, and
  • not currently be or have been in the past three years the subject of a disciplinary action or unresolved investigation.

Experience in assessment and having additional prescribing authorization are not requirements, but will be considered assets.

ACP per diem of $368 per day* x 2 days for in-person training workshop plus contract rate of $54.00/hour* for assessments done at home. ACP will pay travel, accommodation and meal expenses for in-person meetings, and courier costs for returning assessed portfolios to ACP.

*2012 rates

Other benefits

  • Develop your assessment skills
  • Learn more about different types of pharmacy practices
  • Be inspired by other pharmacists’ practices
  • Contribute to the profession
  • Get to hang out with keen pharmacists like you!

To apply
Complete the application and return it to our office by email ( or fax (780-990-0328) by November 30, 2012.

Once we have a critical mass, we’ll set a date for the training workshop.

Originally published in the October 30, 2012 issue of The Link