Assessors needed for upcoming exam dates

February 6, 2019
PEBC is looking for assessors to assist with pharmacist and pharmacy technician exams.

The Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) is looking for assessors for the pharmacy technician Objective Structured Performance Examination (OSPE) in Calgary on Saturday, April 6, 2019, and the pharmacist Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in Edmonton and Calgary on Sunday, May 26, 2019.

Each year, PEBC invites interested pharmacists who have been licensed in Canada for at least two years and who are currently providing or directly supervising patient care services (including dispensing, clinical, and/or drug information services) to apply as assessors for both the OSCE and the OSPE. PEBC also invites interested pharmacy technicians who are currently licensed in their province (or are “Registered” in Manitoba) to apply as assessors for the OSPE.

If you’re interested in participating as an assessor, or any other aspect of the OSCE or OSPE, please complete the assessor application form and submit to Shelley Takacs (Edmonton Site Administrator) at or Elaine Curtis (Calgary Site Administrator) at

To learn more, please visit the PEBC website.