Documented policies and procedures a must for pharmacies

May 13, 2020
New templates are available on ACP website.

All licensed pharmacies are required to have documented policies and procedures specific to their operations. Policies and procedures assist licensees with training new pharmacy team members, ensure a shared understanding of standardized workflow processes by all personnel, and form a frame of reference when monitoring staff compliance with established procedures as part of the pharmacy’s quality assurance process.

ACP has recently revised two tools to assist pharmacy teams meet this requirement: the General Policies and Procedures template and a complementary Non-sterile Compounding Policies and Procedures template. Both resources include tips and best-practice considerations in each section, guiding pharmacy professionals to develop comprehensive policies and procedures that are tailored to their unique practice settings.

The templates are found in the Licensee resources section of the ACP website.

Pharmacy licensees are reminded that having documented policies and procedures is a foundational requirement that must be met for all pharmacies. Documented policies and procedures are also required for all new pharmacies prior to becoming licensed. For existing pharmacies, licensees and their staff should review their policies and procedures on an annual basis, make changes as needed, and ensure that their staff are trained according to these policies and procedures.