FAQ: Is my learning activity valid for Continuing Education Units (CEUs)?

February 24, 2016

A number of pharmacy technicians and pharmacists have been contacting the college to confirm whether their learning activity is acceptable for CEUs. Essentially, any learning activity that is relevant to pharmacy practice may be claimed towards CEUs. When in doubt, we recommend that you refer to NAPRA’s Professional Competencies for Pharmacists or Pharmacy Technicians.

If your learning activity is related to one or more of the listed competencies, then you may claim CEUs for it by completing a Learning Record. On the Learning Record, you will need to identify whether the learning is accredited or non-accredited.

What is accredited learning?

Accredited learning includes any learning activity that has been accredited for pharmacists/pharmacy technicians by a recognized accrediting body. Accredited programs or learning activities have gone through a review process to ensure that it:

  • Has current, evidence-based, and unbiased content;
  • Is relevant to pharmacists/pharmacy technicians; and
  • Provides a quality learning experience.

The Alberta College of Pharmacists recognizes the following accrediting bodies:

  • The Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy (CCCEP), and
  • The Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE).
    • Note: ACPE’s “0.1 CEU” is equivalent to “1 CEU” in the competence program

Where can I find accredited learning activities?

You may find accredited programs by visiting the CCCEP or ACPE websites. Alternatively, you may find potential accredited programs or events directly on the website of organizations that offer accredited programs, such as:

·         Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA)

·         Alberta Pharmacists’ Association (RxA)

·         Pharmacy Technician Society of Alberta (PTSA)

·         Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP)

·         Canadian Healthcare Network

·         rxBriefCase

·         Pear Healthcare Solutions Inc.

·         Teva Pharmacy Solutions

·         Pharmacist’s Letter/Pharmacy Technician’s Letter

Do I have to complete a minimum number of accredited learning activities?

No, there is no minimum requirement for accredited CEUs. Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians may complete any combination of accredited or non-accredited learning activities to a minimum of 15 continuing education units each CE cycle.

What is non-accredited learning?

Non-accredited learning includes any learning activity related to pharmacy practice that has NOT been accredited by CCCEP or ACPE or the accreditation has expired. Examples:

  • Online programs, courses (e.g., PharmD course), or presentations that have not gone through the accreditation process or the accreditation has expired
  • Structured learning activities accredited for another health professional (e.g., programs that have been accredited for pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, physicians)
  • Informal, independent learning activities such as reading, research, or discussing practice issues with colleagues (e.g., journal club, in-services)

How do I determine the number of CEUs I can claim for a non-accredited activity?

One hour of non-accredited learning is equivalent to 1 CEU. You may claim to the nearest quarter of an hour for the time spent on a non-accredited learning activity. Since you may only claim up to 8 CEUs of non-accredited learning per Learning Record, you may need to document your learning on two or more Learning Records if your non-accredited activity is more than 8 hours.