FASD and the Law

January 10, 2012

Free lecture
Monday, January 16, 2012
4:00-7:30 PM (dinner will be served)
Maple Leaf Room, Lister Conference Centre, U of A

There is no registration fee for this event. However, to assist in planning, please RSVP to: hli@law.ualberta.ca

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is an umbrella term used to describe a variety of cognitive, behavioural and neurologic disorders resulting from permanent brain damage associated with prenatal alcohol exposure.

At this forum:

FASD health care experts will discuss the pathophysiology, effects of FASD across life span and diagnosis of individuals affected by FASD. 
An individual affected by FASD will share her lived experience.
Members of the legal system and the judiciary will discuss issues related to FASD and the justice system, and the challenges of dealing with these cases within the confines of our current laws.
The Canadian Bar Association’s Resolution 10-02-A, “Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in the Criminal Justice System” will also be addressed.

Dr. Sharon Mitchell
Clinical Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Alberta

Dr. Gail Andrew
Medical Director, FASD Clinical Services and Medical Site Lead, Pediatrics, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, Alberta Health Services; Board of Directors, Canada Northwest FASD Research Network
Individual to speak about lived experience with FASD
Rod Snow
Past President, The Canadian Bar Association; Davis LLP
David Boulding
Lawyer and FASD consultant
Neil Wiberg, Q.C.
Crown prosecutor 
The Honourable Judge Peter Ayotte
Provincial Court of Alberta

This initiative is part of the knowledge mobilization strategy for Engaging Alberta Pharmacists in FASD Awareness and Prevention Campaign project supported by Alberta Health and Wellness, Alberta Human Services and the Alberta Centre for Child Family and Community Research. It is also part of the Health Law Institute’s public outreach education program to educate Albertans in the area of health law.

This lecture has been organized through a partnership between the Health Law Institute, Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Alberta.

This event is being financially supported by the Engaging Alberta Pharmacists in FASD Awareness and Prevention Campaign project and the Alberta Law Foundation.