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FluMist®: Guidelines for administration

October 4, 2011

FluMist, a Schedule 2 product, may be administered by pharmacists in Alberta who are competent to do so.

What does “competent to do so” mean? As with any aspect of pharmacy practice, you must always use your professional judgement, only practice within your personal competencies and practice according to the standards.

In the case of administering a vaccine, regardless of the route of administration, competence includes being able to:

  • assess the appropriateness of the vaccine for each patient,
  • provide the right medication in the right dose,
  • store and handle the vaccine appropriately so that its potency is not compromised,
  • dispose of the vaccine and supplies properly so as to ensure public safety, including the safety of staff, and
  • deal with an adverse reaction, including an anaphylactic reaction.


What are your responsibilities when administering FluMist?

Inform patients of choice

You have a responsibility to make patients and their families aware of the universal publically funded influenza immunization program before offering any alternative that is not included in the public program. As instructed in the Code of Ethics, all pharmacists must provide each patient with any information that the patient needs to make informed decisions about their health and health care and discuss that information with the patient (Principle 2, Statement 3).

Follow standards for Schedule 2 products

A pharmacist who sells a Schedule 2 drug must ensure that an appropriate entry is made in the patient’s record (Standard 18.2). Documentation must include the:

(a) name of the patient for whom the drug was dispensed or sold
(b) the date the drug was sold
(c) the name, strength, and dosage form of the drug sold
(d) the DIN of the drug sold
(e) the quantity of drug sold
(f) a unique prescription or transaction number
(g) identification of the selling pharmacist

In addition, make a record of any drugs administered as part of the record of care. For a list of information to consider, see the information that is required when administering a drug by injection in Appendix A of the Standards of Practice for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians.  

Be prepared

FluMist is a live vaccine and it is not administered in the same way as other nasal sprays. Thorough preparation is warranted before adding it to your practice. To help you prepare, refer to the following resources:

  • Recommendations for anaphylaxis management
  • FluMist product monograph
  • AHS Influenza Immunization Info for Health Care Professionals
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Q’s and A’s (Note: this is an American website)
  • Alberta Influenza Immunization Program Resource Guide for Alberta Pharmacists

  • Cold Chain Management

Note: Although FluMist is a Schedule 2 product, it is to b