From one busy year to another

January 7, 2025
Portrait of Council President, Patrick Zachar
A New Year’s message from ACP Council president Patrick Zachar.

A new year is upon us—always a welcome time to reflect on the year just passed and look forward to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

2024 was a busy and important year for the Alberta College of Pharmacy. Most significantly, Council approved new Standards of Practice for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians and Standards for the Operation of Licensed Pharmacies, which take effect February 1, 2025. We have worked to communicate and engage with regulated members through The Link, supporting materials on our website, and events like ACP Connect to ensure awareness and understanding of the new standards.

We hope all regulated members have used these opportunities to learn and plan how to implement these new standards into practice and pharmacy operations. Please know that the ACP team will be here to support regulated members in successfully implementing the new standards, which emphasize person-centred care. Everything we do as pharmacists and pharmacy technicians should be focused on patients. While we believe the new standards will benefit pharmacy teams and enhance their ability to provide quality care, ultimately the Albertans we serve will benefit most of all.

For ACP, the transition from 2024 to 2025 was more than just taking down the old calendar and posting the new one. In December, we said goodbye to our long-serving registrar, Greg Eberhart, who retired after 35 years leading ACP and its predecessor, the Alberta Pharmaceutical Association. We are indebted to Greg for his leadership and vision, which helped enable the pharmacy professions in Alberta to achieve a position that is envied in other provinces and beyond. Thank you, Greg.

We also welcome our new registrar, Brad Willsey, who rose to the top from our extensive search for a new leader for the ACP team. Brad brings a wealth of experience—in pharmacy practice, leadership roles, and time with ACP as a Council member (including two terms as president). Council looks forward to working with Brad as we continue to move ACP forward.

Much of our work in 2025 will focus on refreshing the governance structure for Council, completing our goals outlined in our 2021-25 strategic plan, and establishing new goals for our next strategic plan to launch in 2026.

We will also focus on implementing the new Licensee and Proprietor Education Programs, modernized Continuing Competence and Structured Practical Training Programs, and the CQI+ program, all of which will make a difference for Albertans in our efforts to ensure consistent, quality pharmacy practice. Stay tuned to The Link for more details on these and other initiatives in the months ahead.

I hope all of you had an opportunity during the holidays to spend quality time with family and friends, refresh, and recharge for what promises to be another busy year ahead. On behalf of Council, thank you for everything you do—in your practices and in your communities—to enrich the lives of your fellow Albertans.