The importance of reporting a forged prescription

June 26, 2019
How you can help prevent drug diversion and abuse.

ACP was recently contacted by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA) regarding several forged Cotridin prescriptions. The quality of these forgeries suggests that they were created by professionals who may be diverting for illegal business purposes.

Drug abuse and diversion are ongoing problems which many pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in Alberta may encounter in the form of a forged prescription. If you suspect a forgery, take action. First, check with the prescriber to confirm, and then report the attempt to ACP and the police. We are all busy, but the sooner you report a forgery to ACP the sooner we can alert your peers in the pharmacy community via our Forgery Alert email. This will increase the chance that the forgery is caught before the prescription is filled.

Reporting a forgery attempt to ACP

  • promotes awareness of recent prescription forgery attempts and forgery tactics;
  • helps advance public health;
  • helps prevent diversion of drugs, thus maintaining the integrity of the drug system; and
  • helps us create a listing of forgery attempts for the calendar year, so that pharmacists and pharmacy technicians have another tool to aid them in forgery detection.

Did you know we have an online forgery reporting form? To report a forgery to ACP, visit our Forgery Alerts page.

If have any questions or are unsure of what to do, please contact ACP at 780-990-0321 and ask to speak with our pharmacist on call.