The 2019-20 Alberta Influenza Immunization Program is well underway. The program has observed an extraordinary demand for vaccines from pharmacies. Please read the following message from Alberta Health to pharmacy professionals:
Pharmacy wholesale distributors are receiving a higher demand for influenza vaccine from pharmacies than anticipated. Alberta Health is looking to increase the amount of vaccine allocated to the pharmacy wholesale distributors. Pharmacy store level influenza vaccine distribution has been reviewed and compared to Alberta Blue Cross (ABC) billing amounts by store. There appears to be a lot of influenza vaccine inventory in pharmacies. The discrepancy may be due to ABC claims not being submitted or as a result of over ordering.
Please submit influenza immunization claims to ABC within three business days.
Pharmacies with a higher-than-anticipated amount of influenza vaccine will be restricted in ordering more influenza vaccine until the inventory reports demonstrate a need for more vaccine. The maximum ordering amounts may need to be reduced to ensure vaccine is available for distribution to all pharmacies.
We appreciate your assistance in managing the vaccine inventory.
Seasonal influenza informationFor more information on the 2019-20 Alberta Influenza Immunization Program, please visit the Seasonal influenza information page on the ACP website.