Modernizing role statements for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians

March 1, 2017

On Friday, February 24, all ACP registrants received a Message from the Registrar requesting input on the role statements for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.

Role statements provide meaning to individuals and families who use pharmacy services, and provide clarity to other health professionals, community service providers, and stakeholders who practice with or who are impacted by pharmacy services.

Role statements for Alberta pharmacists were last developed in 1995, as a precursor to the Health Professions Act. The role statements for pharmacy technicians were developed in 2008, in advance of technicians becoming regulated. Much has changed since then.

Our goal is to modernize these statements based on current practices, to reflect what pharmacists and pharmacy technicians currently “do” in contributing to person-centered care.

To review the draft role statements and provide feedback, please visit ACP’s Consultation page at:

Your response is appreciated and due by noon on March 31, 2017.

What is a Role Statement?

Role statements describe a profession’s identity and purpose within Alberta’s health system.

Role statements are purposefully broad, and should not be task-oriented. They are descriptive, and not prescriptive. They focus on “what” health professions do; more so than “why” or “how” they do it.

They should be contextual and meaningful to illustrate value. Specific restricted activities are not typically reflected in a role statement, but are addressed in regulation. Restricted activities authorize tools that health professionals use to fulfill and achieve their role.

Review and Feedback

In fall 2016 ACP consulted with registrants who attended regional meetings, and who participated in the regional meeting webinar to review Version 1 of the DRAFT role statements.

Since then, Version 2 has been drafted, incorporating the feedback we received. We are now seeking your review and comments on the evolved role statements.

Your feedback will be reviewed, and updated versions of the role statements will be developed iteratively, based on the feedback we receive. You, and other stakeholders, will be consulted with again before Council considers approving a final version later in spring 2017.

To review the draft role statements and provide feedback, please visit the ACP’s Consultation page at: