The polls have closed, and ACP Council will welcome two new members this year, in addition to welcoming back a familiar face. Regulated members had the opportunity to vote online until June 27, 2024.
Pharmacy technician Kirsten Shead was elected in District A (northern Alberta). Kirsten is a Technical Practice Leader for Alberta Health Services and has been practising in Alberta for two decades.
Pharmacist Asad Kashani was elected in District 1 (northern Alberta). Asad is a pharmacy owner who has been practising in Alberta for 10 years.
Pharmacist Patrick Zachar was re-elected by acclamation District 2 (southern Alberta), and will also serve as past president during the 2024-25 Council year.
Kirsten and Asad will serve three-year terms commencing July 1, 2024, while Patrick will serve a two-year term.
ACP congratulates Kirsten, Asad, and Patrick, and expresses appreciation to all candidates who put their names forward for election. We extend a special thanks to Laura Miskimins and Peter Macek for their service on Council.