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The latest information about changes in pharmacy practice in Alberta.

What is the limit on how many doses or days of therapy pharmacists can provide when adapting a prescription?

February 19, 2013

There is no limit. Neither the regulations nor the standards specify limits. One of the main goals of pharmacist adapting…

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May a pharmacist fill a prescription from out of province?

February 19, 2013

If the prescriber is authorized to write the prescription in their province of employment, then a pharmacist may fill it.

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What changes must registrants notify ACP about?

February 19, 2013

You must notify ACP when there is a change to your: a) home address
b) email address

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Offsite record storage—what are the rules again?

February 19, 2013

Pharmacy records must be maintained at the pharmacy unless the licensee has received permission from the registrar to store them…

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What information must be posted within a pharmacy?

February 19, 2013

A pharmacy must display, in a conspicuous public part of the pharmacy: its licence, the Patient Concerns poster , and…

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How long must prescription and patient records be kept?

February 19, 2013

The retention of information is controlled by federal legislation, our provincial standards of practice, and the Health Information Act. See…

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Can staff in a doctor’s office phone in prescriptions?

February 5, 2013

The document Ensuring Safe & Efficient Communication of Medication Prescriptions in Community and Ambulatory Settings has the answer to this question. Here’s…

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Preceptors and pharmacy interns needed to pilot revised SPT program

February 5, 2013

he Alberta College of Pharmacists is looking for: community pharmacists, and pharmacy interns who received their degree outside of Canada…

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If you deliver, you must record

February 5, 2013

Pharmacies that deliver drugs to patients must keep records of these deliveries. Standard 8 of the Standards for the Operation of…

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Bugs & Drugs recommendations have changed. Have you?

February 5, 2013

Many physicians are changing their prescribing habits according to Bugs & Drugs 2012 recommendations (for example, new dosing for amoxicillin…

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