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Pharmacist survey reminder

October 6, 2015

ACP is surveying pharmacists on the clinical register.

Instructions were sent in late September to pharmacists who have elected in their registrant profile to accept survey invitations.  

Advanis, an independent research company, has been commissioned by ACP to survey pharmacists on the clinical register. ACP is interested in gathering opinions, measuring awareness, and examining the views of how the college is performing in its work to govern pharmacists in Alberta.

Survey instructions were emailed in late September to pharmacists on the clinical register who have elected in their registrant profile to accept survey invitations.  If you are a pharmacist  (who has provided consent to receive survey invitations) and have not yet completed the survey, please visit to have your voice heard.  

The survey will explore: 

  • the awareness and expectations registrants have of their college
  • satisfaction levels with the services provided by ACP
  • the threats and opportunities facing pharmacy today and in the future
  • pharmacists’ readiness to take on expanded roles and responsibilities in their practice settings
  • satisfaction levels with ACP’s communication tools and preference for engagement with ACP

Provisional and regulated pharmacy technicians were surveyed in 2014 which will be the last time pharmacists and technicians are surveyed separately.

ACP will be using the themes generated from this year’s survey as a foundation to build its 2018 survey which will be the first survey cycle to target all stakeholders at the same time – including the public, government, and all ACP registrants. 

The survey deadline is October 12, 2015. Watch for survey findings to be shared in an upcoming issue of aφnews.

If you have any questions, please call or email: 

Advanis for technical support, quote project 3920: 1-866-542-6921 or

ACP for general questions about the survey: Shirley Nowicki, Communications Director at 780-990-0321 or via email at