Pharmacy changes require approval before they happen

June 13, 2018
Licensees have an important role in notifying ACP

ACP team members are busy processing pharmacy renewal applications. Team members are noticing pharmacy changes on the applications that have not been previously approved. ACP would like to remind licensees that any changes in a pharmacy, either to a floor plan, with a proprietor, or licensee needs prior approval from ACP. Other business requiring approval includes: a relocation, a request to maintain records outside the pharmacy, and a request to change a pharmacy name.

Cosmetic changes to a pharmacy are exempt, but structural changes to a floor plan must be submitted to ACP, by the licensee, a minimum of 30 days before a renovation. This will give ACP time to ensure the plan meets the requirements for regulations. As a general rule, ACP must know about any changes before they happen. In the event a renovation was done without approval, and didn’t pass inspection, the work would have to be redone at the proprietor’s expense and the associated renovation fee would be levied.

The fee structure covering pharmacy changes has been streamlined. Each individual change to a pharmacy will now have its own fee. The new fees come into effect on July 1, 2018.

Details on licensee responsibilities and when ACP requires notification about changes can be found on the Manage your pharmacy page on the ACP website.