Pharmacy professionals: let’s do our part

September 15, 2021
A message on the importance of vaccination from ACP Council president Peter Macek.

The COVID-19 pandemic has required pharmacy professionals and the Alberta College of Pharmacy (ACP) to respond in ways we previously could not have imagined. All of us had to make many difficult choices throughout the pandemic to protect the health of our loved ones and our greater community. COVID-19 continues to be a part of our lives, and we need to remain aware of the risks. We each have a role to play in protecting each other.

Pharmacy teams play a huge part in supporting the vaccination of Albertans – I am proud and grateful for the positive impact you have made and continue to make!

Vaccination against COVID-19 is the single most effective public health measure to reduce the spread of COVID. Its inclusion among other public health measures (like physical distancing and mask use) is essential in the response to the pandemic.

ACP, in our provincial regulatory role, is looked upon to demonstrate leadership through our policies and actions. Principle 6 of ACP’s Code of Ethics addresses advancing public health and preventing disease. Within Principle 6, guidance statement 2 addresses our responsibility to society to incorporate practices that prevent the growth and transmission of pathogens.

As pharmacy professionals, it is our responsibility to adhere to the Code of Ethics. The main principles of the Code of Ethics are that pharmacy professionals use our knowledge, skills, and resources to

  • serve patients,
  • contribute to society, and
  • act as stewards of their professions.

To this end, I strongly encourage you to get fully vaccinated against COVID-19. My sincere gratitude to each of you who have already received both doses of vaccine.

ACP’s governance policies require our Council to “…demonstrate evidence-informed leadership…” Pharmacy professionals are viewed as leaders in our communities, and we constantly set the example for others with our words and actions. Community members look to us to support specific health conditions, their overall health and wellbeing, and public health. It is our responsibility as health professionals to “practise what we preach” and do what’s best to protect ourselves, our families, our colleagues, our patients, and our communities.

In addition to getting fully vaccinated, I encourage you to share your vaccination status with fellow team members so that your team can best protect each other and those to whom you provide care.

Licensees – should there be members of your team who are not vaccinated, I encourage you to deploy those individuals in a role that does not require direct personal interaction with patients and consider requiring additional safety protocols.

Thank you all for continuing to help curb the spread of COVID-19 and contributing to the health and wellbeing of our communities.