ACP Council extends sincere appreciation and a note of gratitude to our pharmacy teams throughout Alberta. You have stepped up amidst uncertainty and unparalleled demand to take care of and immunize as many Albertans as possible. Your efforts are well reflected in a recent video clip produced by the Alberta Pharmacists’ Association (RxA), and your resilience and tenacity are reflected in a recent CBC Edmonton radio feature.
You have been there for your patients, their families, and your community since the pandemic was announced over a year ago. You have clearly established yourselves as “the place to go” when personal health needs, guidance, and support is sought. You are key pillars of our communities.
We know that many of you have drawn substantively on family and friends, to allow you to do what you do best. We also know that all of us are prone to fatigue and stress. Remember, you can’t take care of others unless you take care of yourself. A recent article from the Harvard Business Review puts the concept of “self-care” in perspective. Don’t be afraid to look after yourself and take the breaks you need to stay resilient, focused, and healthy. Remember to support others on your team, as success depends on your support for one and other.
What you do gives us all hope that our immunization rates will soon outdistance our infection rates.
On behalf of Council, thank you.
Dana Lyons