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Pharmacy technician CCP: team challenge update!

October 5, 2016

Are you one of the 869 pharmacy technicians who have completed the prescribed CCP Tutorial and Jurisprudence Self-Assessment? If so, you are just three steps away from meeting the program requirements by November 30, 2016!

The next step in the program asks you to complete at least 15 CEUs during the CE cycle (December 1, 2015 to November 30, 2016) and document each activity on your Learning Record. Chances are many of you have already completed 15 CEUs by now – you just need to document them! First, it helps to understand exactly what CEUs are and how you can claim them. 

What are continuing education units (CEUs)?

One hour of learning is equivalent to one CEU. You may claim to the nearest quarter of an hour for the time spent on a learning activity.

  • For an accredited activity, the number of CEUs is determined by the accrediting body.
  • For a non-accredited activity, the number of CEUs is equivalent to the amount of time you spend completing the learning activity. 

Do I have to complete a minimum number of accredited learning activities?

No, there is no minimum requirement for accredited CEUs. Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians may complete any combination of accredited or non-accredited learning activities to a minimum of 15 continuing education units each CE cycle.

What is non-accredited learning?

Non-accredited learning includes any learning activity related to pharmacy practice that has NOT been accredited by CCCEP or ACPE or the accreditation has expired. Examples:

  • online programs, courses (e.g., PharmD course), or presentations that have not gone through the accreditation process or the accreditation has expired;
  • structured learning activities accredited for another health professional (e.g., programs that have been accredited for pharmacists, physicians); or
  • informal, independent learning activities such as reading, research, or discussing practice issues with colleagues (e.g., journal club, in-services).

One hour of non-accredited learning is equivalent to one CEU. You may claim to the nearest quarter of an hour for the time spent on a non-accredited learning activity. Since you may only claim up to eight CEUs of non-accredited learning per Learning Record, you may need to document your learning on two or more Learning Records if your non-accredited activity is more than eight hours.

Can I claim the courses that I plan on attending on a learning record and submit them for registration renewal?

No, you can only claim courses that you have attended or completed during the current CE cycle. The current CE cycle is December 1, 2015 – November 30, 2016.