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Private counselling rooms and sinks soon to be mandatory

November 29, 2023
Pharmacies may be required to renovate prior to June 1, 2025, to meet the Standards for the Operation of Licensed Pharmacies.

The standards referenced in the article below are out of date as of February 1, 2025. Please refer to ACP’s new standards for up-to-date information.

Licensees are reminded that all pharmacies have until June 1, 2025, to comply with the following changes to the Standards of Practice for the Operation of Licensed Pharmacies (SOLP):

  • all pharmacies with a community pharmacy licence must have a private counselling/consultation area within the patient services area that ensures patient confidentiality (Standard 4.19); and
  • all pharmacies have a sink with hot and cold running water in the dispensary that is readily accessible for hand hygiene at all times, and is located outside of segregated compounding rooms (Standard 4.13(c)).

The above changes to the SOLP were approved by Council on May 5, 2022, following a 60-day consultation period with regulated members. These changes may require a renovation. Before making any physical changes to the pharmacy, including renovations to meet the SOLP requirements, a renovation application (including the proposed floor plan and fee) must be submitted in advance through myACP and approved by the college.

Renovations will be inspected to ensure compliance with the SOLP. For more information on applying for a renovation, visit the Renovation page on the ACP website.