Demand for COVID-19 vaccinations remains high as more Albertans have become eligible. As a result, pharmacies have been busy trying to keep up with appointments.
This is a reminder that provisional pharmacists (interns) and pharmacy students may only perform injections—including COVID-19 vaccinations—if both of the following conditions are met:
- The provisional pharmacist or pharmacy student must be under the direct supervision of a pharmacist who has authorization to administer drugs by injection. Direct supervision requires that the supervising pharmacist be present when the restricted activity is being performed and be able to observe and promptly intervene to stop or change the actions of the individual under supervision.
- The provisional pharmacist or pharmacy student must have completed a recognized training program on administering drugs by injection.
The opportunity to perform restricted activities under the supervision of a clinical pharmacist is an important part of developing competency. Administration of injections by provisional pharmacists or pharmacy students should be considered in this context. Preceptors and supervising pharmacists are responsible for ensuring this occurs in an appropriate environment.
Provisional pharmacists and pharmacy students who work in pharmacies outside of ACP’s SPT program or the U of A’s educational rotation, must submit the Work Experience Notification form.
Note: Interns and students cannot receive authorization to administer injections; therefore, there will be no authorization noted on their practice permit. The supervising pharmacist must ensure that recognized training has been completed. For more about the responsibilities involved when supervising injections, refer to our Link article from September 30, 2020.
For more information on administering injections during the COVID-19 pandemic, refer to ACP’s COVID-19 Guidance for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians.