Reminder: non-sterile compounding deadlines approaching

October 16, 2019
Priorities one and two must be met by January 1, 2020, for pharmacies involved in non-sterile compounding.

For pharmacies that provide non-sterile compounding, the first two priorities identified in ACP’s Standards for Pharmacy Compounding of Non-sterile Preparations must be met by January 1, 2020.

Priority One involves assessing the risks and gaps that exist in your pharmacy. To support pharmacy teams to meet this priority, ACP has created a self-assessment tool. Please refer to this tool when conducting your assessment.

Priority Two involves compounding and cleaning, personnel training, and quality assurance. ACP has also included tools to support meeting this priority including templates for developing procedures, master formulation records, and incident/accident reporting.

To access these tools and others—including the standards, guidance document, Getting Started, Compounding Essentials, and FAQs—visit the non-sterile compounding page of the ACP website.

“With less than three months until the compliance deadline, it’s important to meet the first two priorities as soon as possible,” said Shao Lee, ACP’s Professional Practice Director. “The sooner you meet priorities one and two, the sooner you will be able to address priority three and ensure you are able to meet that deadline.”

Once the first two priorities are met by January 1, 2020, non-sterile compounding pharmacies must meet the third priority—facilities and equipment—by July 1, 2020.