News Release
For Immediate Release
June 29, 2016
Edmonton, AB – The Alberta College of Pharmacists and its council is delighted to welcome Taciana Pereira as council president for the 2016-2017 term. She was first elected to council in 2014, and has since served for three consecutive years. Taciana officially begins her term as president on July 1, 2016.
“Taciana brings with her a passion for our profession, great humility, and a courageous spirit,” reflects outgoing president Rick Hackman. “Taciana is a bridge builder. She truly seeks to understand alternate points of view, assimilates the conversation, and only then weighs in. She has an incredible analytical mind that enables her to get to the heart of the critical issues and develop a plan of action.”
“For me, the most exciting thing about pharmacy practice in Alberta right now is the increase we’ve seen in pharmacists with Additional Prescribing Authorization and also the regulation of pharmacy technicians,” says Taciana. Pharmacists who have been granted Additional Prescribing Authorization privileges are able to initiate treatment and manage drug therapies for chronic conditions. “Since 2013, the number of pharmacists with Additional Prescribing Authorization has tripled. As pharmacy technicians become more integrated into pharmacy teams, I think pharmacists’ ability to use their Additional Prescribing Authorization will only increase. With both professions working to full scope, we’ll be in an optimal position to meet our patient’s needs.”
A graduate of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Alberta, Taciana began her career balancing her time between community and hospital pharmacy. Having gained valuable expertise and vast knowledge in two different practice environments, Taciana accepted a full-time role as a clinical pharmacist in Psychiatry and Family Medicine at Misericordia Community Hospital in Edmonton. With six years of hospital experience under her belt, Taciana’s career took an exciting turn when she moved into a non-traditional pharmacist role with what is now Alberta Health Services (AHS). In her current role as Director of Program Performance and Informatics for Pharmacy Services, Taciana and her team are responsible for measuring the impact pharmacy services has within AHS, and supporting pharmacy information systems and the integration of technology in hospital pharmacies.
“Every day is exciting. I get to engage in the health system in a way that I had never really contemplated back when I was in school,” says Taciana. When asked about the challenges she faces in both her role at AHS and as council president, Taciana comments, “I think our challenge is to ensure pharmacists and pharmacy technicians – each with their own unique expertise – are being used in a way that makes the most sense for Albertans. At the end of the day, it all comes down to providing the best possible care for our patients.”
Media contact:
Ashley Edwards Scott
Communications Coordinator
Alberta College of Pharmacists
Phone: 780-990-0321