Update to National Drug Schedules

August 6, 2024
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Scheduling changes for desloratadine for use in children two to 11 years are now in effect.

The National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Associations (NAPRA) has approved the following recommendations made by the National Drug Scheduling Advisory Committee about the scheduling of desloratadine for use in children two to 11 years of age:

  • desloratadine and its salts and preparations in products labelled for use in children aged two to 11 years, in package sizes containing greater than 35mg of desloratadine, remain in Schedule III; and
  • desloratadine and its salts and preparations in products labelled for use in children aged two to 11 years, in package sizes containing no more than 35mg of desloratadine, be granted Unscheduled status.

The Scheduled Drugs Regulation under the Pharmacy and Drug Act recognizes the National Drug Schedules, subject to exceptions that are listed in the Regulation.

These changes were finalized effective July 23, 2024. The National Drug Schedules are being revised to reflect these changes.