The standards referenced in the article below are out of date as of February 1, 2025. Please refer to ACP’s new standards for up-to-date information.
Pharmacy teams continue to adapt, making use of new technologies to offer quality care and effectively meet patient needs. As we look towards the future of patient care, the impact of virtual care will continue to evolve and expand for pharmacy teams across the province. Anticipating this, we must consider how virtual care fits for different patients, clinical situations, and environments.
ACP envisions virtual care as complementary to the foundation of community-based care to better serve patients. ACP’s Council previously approved guidelines for applying virtual care in practice. Council has now approved Draft Standards of Practice for Virtual Care in order to formalize our ongoing recognition of virtual care as part of pharmacy practice.
The continued expansion of technology and virtual care will greatly impact regulated members and stakeholders; the consultation process for these draft standards is underway and your feedback matters. ACP encourages all registrants to reflect on their experiences providing care through virtual means, review the proposed standards, and provide feedback prior to noon MT on Tuesday, May 24, 2022. Council will consider feedback received at its next scheduled meeting in June 2022.
The draft standards and consultation survey are available on the ACP website.