Who’s working in your pharmacy?

July 10, 2019
Licensees must ensure pharmacists and pharmacy technicians on staff are regulated.

Do you know if the pharmacists and pharmacy technicians working in your pharmacy are eligible to practise?

It seems like a silly question, but pharmacy licensees must ensure that the regulated professionals working in their pharmacies have active practice permits with ACP. There are scenarios where individuals may believe they are cleared to practise, but they really aren’t. One such case is when a provisional pharmacist completes all the requirements in the Structured Practical Training (SPT) Program and believes they are ready to practise. This may not be the case.

“Registrants who have completed their SPT still require confirmation from ACP that their application for registration to the clinical pharmacist or pharmacy technician register has been approved,” said Debbie Lee, ACP’s Registration Director. “Until the registrant has received confirmation from the college that their application has been approved and their name appears on the public register (on the ACP website), they are not permitted to practise as a clinical pharmacist or a pharmacy technician.”

Processing of applications can take up to 15 business days.

Provisional pharmacists and provisional pharmacy technicians who have completed their SPT can perform restricted activities under direct or indirect supervision, at the discretion of the supervising regulated member. A complete explanation of what supervision is required can be found on the Supervision page on the ACP website.

It is also the licensee’s responsibility to determine if there are any conditions on any of their team members’ practice permits. And it is every regulated member’s ethical responsibility to practise only when they are fit and competent to do so, and to declare to appropriate individuals any circumstances that may call into question their ability to practise or bring the pharmacy profession into disrepute (ACP Code of Ethics, Principle 11). This includes declaring to supervisors if you have any conditions on your practice permit, or if you have a provisional status.

To avoid issues with eligibility to practise, ACP encourages pharmacy team members to communicate any changes to their registration status with their supervisors. Licensees should also refer to the public register on the ACP website to verify that team members have the appropriate registration to perform their duties and ensure proper supervision is in place for restricted activities.