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2023-24 Annual Report is available now

June 11, 2024
Highlights how ACP regulated pharmacy practice to serve, support, and protect the public’s health and well-being.

The standards referenced in the article below are out of date as of February 1, 2025. Please refer to ACP’s new standards for up-to-date information.

Each year, the Alberta College of Pharmacy (ACP) shares our story for the year through our annual report. ACP’s 2023-24 Annual Report is now available online.

The report highlights the incredible amount of progress made toward many important initiatives during the past year:

  • The draft Standards of Practice for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians went out for consultation after an extensive development and review process that included an international environmental scan, feedback from an external working group, and consultation with regulated members. Through this process, ACP endeavoured to develop a more person-centred focus for pharmacy practice in Alberta.
  • The Standards of Practice for Continuing Competence were developed, approved by Council, and released, defining the requirements for regulated members.
  • The standards of practice were also updated based on amendments to the Health Professions Act, shifting the concepts of supervision and specialty from the regulations and bylaws, respectively.

ACP also made significant progress toward achieving multiple goals in our 2021-25 strategic plan, including

  • continuing the redesign of the Structured Practical Training (SPT) programs for both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians,
  • supporting the launch of the University of Alberta’s Certificate for Canadian Pharmacy Practice (CCPP) bridging program for internationally educated pharmacist graduates (IEPGs), and
  • launching the myACP information management system.

The annual report also features regulated members who are meeting the needs of their communities by providing person-centred care, including

  • a husband-and-wife pharmacist team who have built trust and relationships through cultural immersion in a First Nations community,
  • an Edmonton pharmacy team who has created a safe space for 2SLGBTQ+ patients by being inclusive and equity driven, and
  • a Canmore pharmacy owner and licensee who renovated his pharmacy to add clinical services that support the health needs of his community.

You’ll see all this and more in our annual report, available now!