This is a reminder to all licensees that, if you haven’t done so already, you must complete Part B of the Licensee Education Program (LEP) and submit your certificate of completion as part of your pharmacy renewal application. The deadline to submit your pharmacy renewal application is 11:59 p.m. on May 31, 2021. Pharmacy licence renewal packages were emailed to licensees the first week of April to the email address ACP has on their pharmacist profile.
Don’t leave it to the last minute! It takes approximately 72 hours after you complete Part B to receive your certificate of completion.
The complete LEP consists of two parts:
- Part A includes readings, peer conversation and reflection, and an online module (Chapters 1-5). Part A of the program has been CCCEP-accredited for six continuing education units (CEUs).
- Part B includes an online module and resources (Chapters 6-7) and a self-assessment (Chapter 8). Part B has been CCCEP-accredited for four CEUs.
Although Part A of the LEP is not mandatory for current licensees renewing their pharmacy licence, ACP encourages you to complete both parts of the LEP.
All pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are encouraged to complete the LEP to gain a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities of both the licensee and proprietor’s agent. Completion of both parts of the LEP will earn you 10 accredited CEUs for ACP’s Continuing Competence Program.
Remember, pharmacists applying as licensee for a new or existing pharmacy must complete Parts A and B of the Licensee Education Program before a pharmacy licence will be issued. This applies even if the applicant has previous experience as a licensee.