Each year, pharmacists must renew their practice permits by May 31 and pharmacy technicians must renew their practice permits by November 30. Holding the amount and type of professional liability insurance prescribed by the college is a requirement to being issued and holding an annual permit. Every registrant must make professional declarations acknowledging that they hold, and will maintain, professional liability insurance (PLI). Pharmacists with authorization to administer drugs by injection must also make a professional declaration acknowledging that they hold, and will maintain, valid CPR and First Aid certifications.
As members of self-regulating professions, registrants must take personal responsibility to maintain the required amount and type of PLI and ensure their declarations are accurate and will be maintained. These requirements are in place to protect the registrant and the public.
Registrants are reminded of their responsibilities as follows:
- review information about PLI and certification requirements (refer to the Professional declarations audit section of the ACP website);
- review your professional obligations described in any declarations related to your registration, including maintaining proper PLI and ensuring certifications are up to date;
- do not assume others, including your PLI provider or employer, will renew your PLI for you; and
- take personal responsibility to implement and maintain a system to ensure your PLI is always in place and active and your certifications are valid.
Failing to fulfill your professional declarations can become a costly mistake. Recent decisions from ACP’s Hearing Tribunal highlight the consequences of failing to fulfill professional declarations and not carrying current PLI. Even if you have already renewed your practice permit, make sure to confirm that you have met all professional declaration requirements.