Upcoming pharmacy practice and operations assessment?

July 12, 2011

If you have received notice of an upcoming pharmacy practice and operations assessment, there are a few simple steps you should follow to make the process easier and more beneficial for you and your staff.


How to prepare for an assessment:
  1. Complete the Self-Assessment
    Within 15 days of receiving the letter, the licensee must complete the Pharmacy Practice and Operations Self-Assessment that is included with the notification. This allows for valuable self-reflection on your current operations and your compliance with the Standards of Practice. Keep the completed self-assessment handy as your Pharmacy Practice Consultant (PPC) will refer to it during the assessment.
  2. Share the Self-Assessment location and content with your pharmacists
    Please ensure that all pharmacists know where the completed self-assessment is located and are aware of the policies and procedures specific to your pharmacy’s practice and operations so that they are capable of reviewing the components of the self-assessment with the PPC during the on-site assessment. The PPC will conduct the assessment 15-120 days from the date of the notification of assessment. Pharmacy assessments are unscheduled and may be conducted with any licensed pharmacist, including a relief pharmacist. 
  3. Correct deficiencies within 30 days
    During the assessment, the PPC will identify any practice or operational deficiencies and/or practice recommendations. These will be noted on a three-part assessment reply form. If any deficiencies are identified, the licensee has 30 days to correct these deficiencies. 
    The licensee must ensure that:
            a) these deficiencies are corrected, 
            b) the professional declaration at the bottom of the form is dated and signed, and 
            c) the yellow copy of the form sent to ACP within the 30-day period.

    Please note that it is unlawful to sign a false declaration; therefore, please ensure all deficiencies are corrected before signing the form. You may contact your PPC for clarification about a particular deficiency.

  4. Involve your team
    Please involve your pharmacy team in preparing for the assessment, correcting any identified deficiencies, and implementing practice recommendations. Each pharmacy team member is important to the practice and operations of the pharmacy.
  5. Prepare for follow up
    Each pharmacy will receive an unscheduled follow-up visit 3-6 months following their pharmacy assessment. During this visit, the PPC will review the deficiencies identified during the previous assessment(s), address additional practice topics and help implement recommendations.
  6. Share your feedback
    Please remember to complete and send in the Pharmacy Practice and Operations Assessment Evaluation (yellow form). Your feedback is essential to the ongoing improvement of ACP’s processes.