The Tracked Prescription Program (TPP Alberta) uses a two-part prescription form.

  • If the prescription is provided directly to the patient, the patient is given the top copy of the TPP secure form to present to a pharmacy. The prescriber keeps the second copy.
  • If the prescription is faxed directly to the pharmacy, the prescriber keeps both original copies. The top copy is voided.

You will need to send a copy of the secure form to TPP Alberta when it is for

  • compounded medications,
  • office use, or
  • veterinary use.

Please mail the prescriptions listed above to CPSA on a weekly basis. For the two-part prescriptions, a copy of the fax or a copy of the secure top copy should be sent.

Information regarding all other TPP prescriptions is provided to TPP Alberta from dispensing events that are uploaded to Netcare. However, pharmacies should keep a copy in case TPP Alberta requests to access to it.

You can get return envelopes for TPP forms from the Alberta College of Pharmacy office:

For more information, please visit the TPP Alberta resource page.

TPP Alberta medication list (CPSA)

All stimulants and gabapentinoids are now monitored as Type 2 TPP medications

On March 3, 2022, the TPP Alberta Steering Committee approved several updates to the TPP Alberta Medication Lists, to allow for additional monitoring and reporting on drugs at risk of misuse or use for non-clinical purposes. 

Amphetamine-type stimulants (generic and brand name) have been added to the Type 2 drug list. This includes dextroamphetamine (e.g., Dexedrine®), lisdexamfetamine (e.g., Vyvanse®) and mixed amphetamine salts (e.g., Adderall®).

All methylphenidate products, whether generic or brand name, and immediate or delayed release, are now classified as Type 2 medications. This reclassification will allow for a consistent categorization of methylphenidate to simplify prescribing and dispensing, and address some patient issues (such as drug plan coverage policies). An evaluation of this listing status will occur in one year, to assess the benefits or possible challenges associated with re-categorization.

All stimulants, including methylphenidate products, continue to be monitored electronically as Type 2 TPP medications. With this change, a TPP form is no longer required to prescribe generic methylphenidate. 

Gabapentinoids (generic and brand name) have also been added as Type 2 products. This includes gabapentin (e.g., Neurontin®) and pregabalin (e.g., Lyrica®). There is emerging evidence of misuse and risk of harm with these medications among certain vulnerable populations, accentuated with concurrent opioid and benzodiazepine use. Gabapentinoids will be monitored electronically, a TPP form is not required to prescribe them


TPP stolen/missing

View the list of stolen/missing TPPs on the forgeries webpage.

To report stolen or missing TPPs, physicians and surgeons should contact CPSA.

Submit a forgery alert via the ACP website.


The list of stolen/missing TPPs is updated as we receive the data and includes only the stolen/missing TPPs reported to CPSA. For the most up-to-date listing, please check with CPSA.