It is the licensee’s responsibility to consider the “what if” scenarios that may impact the pharmacy.
What if your pharmacy requires a planned temporary closure (i.e., renovation) or encounters unexpected event such as staff sickness or minor flooding?
What if you cease being the licensee, and another licensee or a “temporary pharmacist in charge” is not appointed? Did you know this means the pharmacy may need to close?
In any scenario where a pharmacy must close, even temporarily, it is essential for licensees to have a plan that ensures the proper arrangements are in place to continue patient care and secure drugs and records. This may include
- notifying patients,
- facilitating patient care,
- managing pharmacy records responsibly,
- disposing of drugs (if applicable), and
- notifying ACP.
ACP has developed the Pharmacy closure plan as a tool to help licensees or temporary pharmacists in charge, in collaboration with their proprietor, prepare for instances where a pharmacy may need to close.
This tool will help you plan for how patients will be notified, how patients will obtain their prescriptions and access their care records, how these records will be transferred and kept secure, and more. This plan does not need to be submitted to ACP, but licensees are encouraged to proactively complete it, as part of their policies and procedures, whether or not a closure is planned.
This is a useful exercise to ensure your pharmacy team is prepared if a closure is required, whether it is an emergency, temporary, or permanent closure. Having a plan will help simplify the stressful process of managing a pharmacy closure, minimize disruption to patient care, and support you in fulfilling your legislated responsibilities.