Updated ACP website now live

July 22, 2014

To serve you better, we have updated the ACP website. With streamlined navigation, mobile-friendly design, and improved functionality, the site is designed to help you to find the information you need quickly and easily. Please view the introductory video to get acquainted with the new site.

  • To access the registrant profile, registrants must:
    • Click on the “Login” button, found at the top of every page,
    • Log in using the same ID and password you used before, and
    • Click “My Profile” (also at the top of every page, once logged in) to go to the registrant profile.
  • Some files on our website contain links to pages and documents on the old website. We have tried to fix as many of these links as possible, but if you find one that isn’t working, please let us know by sending a message to webmaster@abpharmacy.ca. 
  • If you bookmarked pages on the old site, you will need to update your bookmarks.
    • NOTE: If your pharmacy website links to the patient concerns poster, you will need to update the link. The new link is http://pharmacists.ab.ca/sites/default/files/PatientConcernPoster.pdf.

Start exploring

  • Learn answers to your practice questions in our FAQ section – conveniently organized by topic.
  • Discover tools to help you and your patients.
  • Find all the forms you need, all in one spot.
  • Connect with your council.
  • Share your ideas and stay up to date with our Facebook and Twitter feeds by clicking on the icons at the bottom of the homepage.
  • And finally, you can always find out about the college and contact us about various topics or questions.

We built the website based on what our registrants, stakeholders, and the public told us they need now, and have used technology capable of addressing future needs. We look forward to continuing to develop the site as a “go to” resource and community hub for years to come.

Let us know what you think
We would love to hear about your experiences with the new website. Please send us a note at communications@abpharmacy.ca and let us know how it is working for you and if there are any things we could do to improve your experience.