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If you are currently a pharmacist in another Canadian province or territory, you may transfer to Alberta under the Labour Mobility Act. You must first apply to the provisional pharmacist register to complete Alberta’s Jurisprudence Learning Module and Ethics & Jurisprudence Exam. Once these requirements are complete, you may apply to the clinical pharmacist register. You must hold the pharmacist practice permit in another Canadian jurisdiction both at initial registration and at the time of application to the clinical pharmacist register in Alberta.

Follow these steps to begin registration: 

  1. Prepare your supporting documentation. All documents must be in PDF format.
    • Obtain a letter of standing from the Canadian regulatory authority where you are currently registered as a pharmacist. This letter must include the following information:
      • whether you are in good standing with the current registering body;
      • whether you have good character, as determined by the current registering body;
      • whether you have any restrictions, limitations, or conditions imposed by the current registering body and, if so, identifying the restriction, limitation, or condition; and
      • whether the registering body is aware of any complaints, investigations, disciplinary proceedings, or criminal proceedings relating to competency, conduct, or character that are ongoing or completed;
        • if so, identifying and providing particulars of any such complaint, investigation, disciplinary proceeding, or criminal proceeding, including the outcome of the complaint, investigation, or proceeding.
    • Obtain a statement of registration history from any other Canadian regulatory authority where you previously have been registered as a pharmacist. This statement must include the following information:
      • whether the registering body is aware of any complaints, investigations, disciplinary proceedings, or criminal proceedings relating to competency, conduct, or character that are ongoing or completed;
        • if so, identifying and providing particulars of any such complaint, investigation, disciplinary proceeding, or criminal proceeding, including the outcome of the complaint, investigation, or proceeding.
    • If you are a pharmacist transferring from the province of Quebec, you must submit evidence of English language proficiency with your initial application in accordance with the Labour Mobility Regulation.
    • Prepare these initial registration documents.
  2. Complete and submit your application.
    • Once you are ready to apply, complete the following steps:
      • Access the application to the provisional pharmacist register (in myACP). All applications can be found in New applications.
      • The application will require you to upload the supporting documentation you prepared in Step 1. Your application is not complete until all supporting documentation has been uploaded and you have submitted the application. Incomplete applications and incomplete requirements will result in further delays and may result in refusal of your application. If this happens, you will be required to reapply.
  3. Application decision.
    • Complete applications are reviewed in the order in which they are submitted and may take up to 15 business days to assess and process. ACP will notify you via email once a decision has been made or if we have any questions regarding your application.
  4. Provide your payment.
    • If approved, you will be required to provide payment online. The college’s fees are outlined in the ACP fee schedule. Only the following payment methods will be accepted:
      • Visa, and
      • Mastercard.
    • Payment must be provided within 30 days of your approval, or your application will expire. If this happens, you will be required to reapply.
  5. Access your practice permit.
    • Once your payment has been processed, your practice permit can be accessed from your myACP profile.
    • You will be initially placed on the provisional register to complete Alberta’s Jurisprudence Learning Module and Ethics & Jurisprudence Exam. Once successfully completed, you are then eligible to apply to the clinical pharmacist register.