The deadline for pharmacy technicians to renew their practice permits is approaching. This is a reminder that holding the amount and type of professional liability insurance (PLI) prescribed by the college is a requirement to being issued and holding an annual permit for both pharmacy technicians and pharmacists. Even if not practising, PLI is required to be on an active ACP practice register.
Pharmacy technicians must carry personal PLI that is either claims-made or occurrence-based with a minimum coverage amount of $1 million.
New requirement: entering of PLI information in myACP
Both pharmacy technicians and pharmacists are reminded that it is now required to add and maintain your PLI records in myACP. This process will enable PLI renewal reminders and ensure records are up to date. Please ensure your records are added before your practice permit renewal application is submitted. For pharmacy technicians who have already submitted their applications, please update any renewed PLI records in myACP as soon as possible.
For step-by-step instructions to help you access and update your PLI records in myACP, refer to the Updating your professional liability insurance help guide.
Regulated members: your PLI responsibilities
Failing to hold PLI can become a costly mistake. Recent hearing decisions highlight the consequences of not carrying current PLI and, in turn, failing to fulfill professional responsibilities and commitments made through professional declarations.
Regulated members must take personal responsibility to maintain the required amount and type of PLI and ensure their declarations are accurate and will be upheld. These requirements are in place to protect the public and the regulated member.
Regulated members are reminded of their responsibilities:
- Review information about PLI for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.
- Take personal responsibility to have a system to ensure your PLI is always in place and active.
- Know what you’re signing. Read all declarations and ensure you have fulfilled your professional obligations before you sign any declaration.
- Add and maintain your PLI records in myACP.