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All pharmacists applying for a pharmacy licence must meet certain criteria to provide assurance to ACP that the prospective licensee is qualified and capable of fulfilling their legislative responsibilities, and the proposed pharmacy will be operated in compliance with the legislation that governs the practice of pharmacy in Alberta.

Licensee changes require approval from ACP. To apply for a licensee change, ensure you meet the licensee criteria and complete the following steps:

  1. Complete Part A and Part B of ACP’s Licensee Education Program (LEP).
    • If you’ve completed it already, you do not have to redo the program.
  1. Prepare your supporting documentation. All documentation must be in PDF format.
  1. Complete and submit your application. This must be completed by the licensee applicant.
    • Once you are ready to apply, complete the following steps:
      1. Access the application to change the licensee (in myACP). All applications can be found in New applications.
      2. The application will require you to upload the supporting documentation you prepared in step 2.
  1. Provide your payment.
    • Once you submit your application, you will be required to provide payment. The college’s fees are outlined in the ACP fee schedule. Only the following payment methods will be accepted:
      • Visa, and
      • Mastercard.
    • Your application is not complete until the application, all supporting documentation, and payment have been submitted.
  1. Application decision.
    • Complete applications are reviewed in the order in which they are submitted and may take up to 15 business days to assess and process. Incomplete applications will result in further delays. 
    • ACP will notify you via email once a decision has been made or if we have any questions regarding your application. If approved, a new pharmacy licence will be mailed to the pharmacy.